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Stay ahead of the curve in the blockchain world with @FCWBlockchain

We offer the latest news, insights, and discussions about the future of blockchain.

The advent of cryptocurrencies built on blockchain technology has seen an explosion in opportunities for corporations and individuals in the decentralised finance world.

The Blockchain world, which includes cryptocurrencies, decentralised finance (DeFi), Web3, decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs), non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and smart contracts can be daunting for corporations and individuals to navigate.

Our Blockchain team brings an integrated approach to this area and draws on expertise across Corporate and Commercial Law, including Corporations Law, Intellectual Property and Information Technology to ensure our clients understand the opportunities and risks associated with Blockchain.

Lawyers in our Blockchain team understand blockchain applications. Blockchain technology provides a platform for a huge range of applications extending far beyond cryptocurrencies and we can help create opportunities for clients in the following areas:

  • Work with blockchain engineers to create smart contracts which take account of IP licences and functions.
  • Advise on storing IP in blockchains.
  • Create legally sound DAO structures, including smart contract creation, funding arrangements and deployment on a blockchain.
  • Advise on all aspects of smart contracts – including management and enforcement.
  • Draft terms and conditions for blockchain companies.
  • Advise on legal obligations and rights in relation to migration and bridging of blockchains.
  • Review smart contracts and edit terms and conditions.
  • Advise on Web3 and DeFi opportunities and risks.
  • Advise on NFTs including transferring intellectual property and other legal rights.

With this industry continuing to grow and evolve at a rate faster than legislation, we assist clients to ensure their businesses are legally compliant with current Australian law and monitor and advise of legislative changes they need to be aware of.

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Stay ahead of the curve in the blockchain world with @FCWBlockchain

We offer the latest news, insights, and discussions about the future of blockchain.

Principal Lawyer - Corporate & Commercial

Principal Lawyer - Corporate & Commercial

Senior Consultant - Corporate & Commercial

Our Expertise

FCW Lawyers’ Blockchain team guides clients in this fast-evolving area to explore how Crypto can work for their businesses to maximise opportunities and minimise risks in this dynamic sector.

We are passionate about the opportunities which Blockchain offers our clients. Our team has a growing client base who seek our expertise and guidance. We help our clients take advantage of opportunities to create greater control over their assets while also ensuring their actions in this ever-changing sector are legally sound. FCW has recently assisted our Blockchain clients in the following ways:

  • Guided a commercial client with migrating across blockchains including updating a client’s terms and conditions and creating a disclaimer that is integrated within a discord server to indemnify them should they decide to bridge or migrate across blockchains.
  • Helped our client manage an NFT community. This included building a terms and conditions that allowed new members to join the community and ensuring our client was legally entitled to receive commissions on their trades.

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